Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Back for June 4 remembrance

Looks like China has finally allowed me to blog when I am here.

Normally, on trips to China, blogger is blocked.

Not today.

I am here in Macau and I will be attending the remembrance of June 4 1989 in Victoria Park in HK.

There are some good media links on this site. Songs, films, quite a bit of the background of the June 4 massacre.


4th and 6th lines gets you to two June 4 songs and other lines further down get you to films and other sites.

Can't believe I'm able to post this from Macau!

Remember the young idealistic students who called for reforms and who inspired teachers, civil servants, and workers to join them in the square that spring in Beijing.

Remember that many mothers lost their children in the massacre by a state that didn't care about freedom of speech and true reform.

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